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The Most Common Misconceptions in SEO

Some myths are harmless. Unfortunately, this cannot be said about SEO. At best, myths will mislead, at worst, they will force you to spend precious time, money and nerves on something that will never improve ranking.

Many people believe that it is enough to contact Maine Marketing Company one time, and this will be enough and you will no longer have to think about the SEO. However, search engine optimization can be directly compared to going to the gym. SEOs need to be engaged constantly and regularly so that there is a regular effect from this. If you stop paying attention to it, the traffic decreases.

It is also easy to assume that the more often your content is shared on sites like YouTube, Twitter or Pinterest, the higher its rating. After all, if a lot of people share the material, it should be useful, right?

However, social signals do not directly affect the domain rating. Probably due to the fact that social signals are easy to manipulate.

Photo by Myriam Jessier on Unsplash

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